
You find run-down Czech history from 17th century to the presents here. I'll show in only events the have connection with Czech state here.
"Red" data mark significant wars, battles and insurrections, "blue" beginning reigns of monarchs, "green" significant cultural or social events and "brown" significant data in light of genealogy.

1618- beginning Thirty years' war.
1619- Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II was elected King of Bohemia.
1619- Ferdinand II was uncrowned and elect is Frederick Palatine "Winter king".
1620- battle of the White mountain, Ferdinand II is King of Bohemia again.
1637- Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III was elected King of Bohemia.
1648- The Vestfal peace, end of Thirty years' war.
1651- was elaborated List of serfs accordance with faith.
1656- in Bohemia was completed Roll of Assessment (1st roll).
1657- Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I was elected King of Bohemia.
1684- in Bohemia was completed revisitation of Roll of Assessment (2nd roll).
1695- finished insurrection of "Chods", John Sweet "Goatskin" executed in Plzen.
1705- Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I was elected King of Bohemia.
1711- Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI was elected King of Bohemia.
1740- Archduchess Maria Theresa was elected Queen of Bohemia.
1740- 1st Silesian war between Prussia and Austria any Bohemian lands.
1742- end of 1st Silesian war between Prussia and Austria.
1744- 2nd Silesian war between Prussia and Austria any Bohemian lands.
1745- end of 2nd Silesian war between Prussia and Austria.
1749- come into operation 1st Theresa's land register (3rd roll).
1754- 1st census in Bohemian lands.
1756- 3rd Silesian war ("Seven years' war") between Prussia and Austria.
1757- after visitation come into operation 2nd Theresa's land register (4th roll).
1763- end of 3rd Silesian war ("Seven years' war") between Prussia and Austria.
1770- established 1st numbering of houses and duty use name and surname.
1780- Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II was elected King of Bohemia.
1781- register is public document, thoroughly written date of birth and death.
1789- come into operation Joseph's land register, applied only 1 year.
1790- Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II was elected King of Bohemia.
1792- Holy Roman Emperor Francis II was elected King of Bohemia.
1792- come into operation Theresa-Joseph's land register.
1804- Francis II declared Austrian Emperor like Francis I
1805- Battle of Austerlitz (Slavkov), Napoleon win over Austro-Russian army.
1818- in Prague was based Patriotic museum (today's National Museum).
1835- Emperor Ferdinand I last crowned King of Bohemia like Ferdinand V
1848- Prague insurrection, attack Windischgratz's army on Prague people.
1848- Emperor Ferdinand I abdicated, Franz Joseph I is new emperor.
1850- new organization of state administration (district office, jurisdictions,...).
1866- Austro-Prussian war, Battle of Königgrätz (Sadova near Hradec Kralove).
1867- Austro-Hungarian composition, monarchy divided on two states.
1868- put foundation-stone of National theatre.
1881- burned down National theatre.
1914- was attempt the life of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, beginning World War I.
1916- came to the throne Karl I, Emperor of Austria.
1918- end of World War I.
1918- creation of the independent Czechoslovak republic.
1938- The Munich treaty, Czechoslovakia lose border territory.
1939- creation of the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia".
1939- beginning World War II.
1945- end of World War II.
1948- Communist putsch, nationalization of property.
1989- "Velvet revolution", end of the communist government.
1993- The Velvet Divorce of Czechoslovakia and rise independent of Czech Rep.

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